Fam mat leave dur ben own

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Quick info
Data type Original unit
Scale String
Value labels digit weeks/days/years
Technical name fam_mat_leave_dur_ben_own
Category Family and gender policies
Label Duration - Matenrity benefit (in original unit) (own coding)
Related indicators fam_mat_leave_dur_paid_own (Duration of paid maternity leave in original unit)

Duration of maternity benefit in original units

Coding rules

The logic of this variable is the same as the “duration of paid maternity leave” variable. However, this indicator measures the length of maternity “benefit” instead of “leave”. In case of only partly paid leave programs, the duration of benefit will not be identical with the duration of leave. For instance, the duration of benefit for 6 weeks unpaid leave would be 0 weeks, while duration of leave would be coded as 6 weeks. If the program provides only cash or in-kind benefits, the duration of benefit will be coded as a missing value. In case of lump sum payments, it is coded as “lump sum” instead of the length of the benefit.

Bibliographic info

Citation: Keonhi Son, Tobias Böger, Simone Tonelli, Petra Buhr, Sonja Drobnič, and Johannes Huinink, 2020, “Codebook of Historical Database on Maternity Leave (HDML)”, available at: “https://www.socialpolicydynamics.de/sfb-publikationen/sfb-1342-technical-paper-series”.

Related publications: NA (no information available)


Project manager(s): Keonhi Son, Tobias Böger, Simone Tonelli, Petra Buhr, Sonja Drobnič, and Johannes Huinink (A06)

Data release: tbd

Revisions: tbd
