Participation in SACMEQ (CRC 1342)

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Quick info
Data type Numeric
Scale Binary
Value labels 1 = Yes, 0 = No
Technical name edu_ilsa_parti_sacmeq
Category Education
Label Participation in SACMEQ
Related indicators edu_ilsa_parti_erce, edu_ilsa_parti_iccs, edu_ilsa_parti_icils, edu_ilsa_parti_pasec, edu_ilsa_parti_pirls, edu_ilsa_parti_pisa, edu_ilsa_parti_pisa_d, edu_ilsa_parti_talis, edu_ilsa_parti_timss

The indicator referes to the participation in the International Large Scale Assesment was preciously called: SACMEQ. The Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SEACMEQ - previously SACMEQ) is an international non-profit developmental organization of 16 Ministries of Education in Southern and Eastern Africa that decided to work together to share experiences and expertise in developing the capacities of education planners to apply scientific methods to monitor and evaluate the conditions of schooling and the quality of education. The main focus of SEACMEQ’s work has been to implement research and training programmes to equip educational planners and researchers with relevant technical skills (such as research design, instrument construction, sampling, data analysis and report writing). This collaborative network conducts educational policy research for decision-makers. Its activities include project design, training, computer-based data analyses, data archive production, and dissemination of research results. It thereby also assesses achoevements of pupils in Reading and Mathematics.

Coding rules

Participation in one of the studies is coded with 1. There have been three studies to date: ERCE, SERCE and TERCE. All are combined in this indicator. If only a part of the mentioned country took part, we still code it as the larger entity. For example for participation y Dubai, we code the United Arab Emirates.

Bibliographic info

Citation: Seitzer, Helen and Fabian Besche-Truthe 2021: Testing for the Money? Development Aid Distribution Patterns and Educational Assessments (forthcoming)

Related publications: NA (no information available)


Project manager(s): Besche-Truthe, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen

Data release: 2020.12.02

Revisions: NA (no information available)
