Inter-State Wars, CoW
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric, Dyadic |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | NA (no information available) |
Technical name | war_interstate_entities_dyadic_cow |
Category | Violent conflicts and colonial dependencies |
Label | Inter-State War Dyadic Data from Correlates of War v4.0 |
Related indicators | war_interstate_warname_dyadic_cow, war_interstate_ |
The two states involved in a conflict indicated by the start and end of the conflict period.
For any pair of country we summed up the aid commitment in a given year. Thus, countries cannot have multiple donation links per year, although several donations for different projects were interchanged. The data is organized as directed dyad-years – each country could potentially donate to each other country every year, however, most countries never donate in reality. We are dealing with a very specific network structure here: Donors hardly ever appear on the receiving side; only 22 do so. Even though there could be reciprocity in tie formation, we assume that the recipients have relatively little agency when it comes to establishing a donation link, thus the power is highly skewed and shows a hierarchical order.
Coding rules
Bibliographic info
Related publications: NA (no information available)
Project manager(s):
Data release: NA (no information available)
Revisions: NA (no information available)
Correlates of War v4.0