Indicator name* | Subcategory I | Subcategory II | Subcategory III | Technical name* | Scale* |
Religion | Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder | cult_ | Placeholder |
Percent adherents of animist religion | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_percent_anmgenpct_COW | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of animist religion | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_anmgen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Baha’i religion | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_bahgen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Buddhism | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_budgen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Buddhism—Mahayana | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_budmah_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Buddhism--Other | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_budothr_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Buddhism—Theravada | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_budthr_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Christianity-Anglican | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_chrstang_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Christianity—Roman Catholics | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_chrstcat_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Christianity-Total | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_chrstgen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Christianity—Eastern Orthodox | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_chrstorth_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Christianity—Others religion | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_chrstothr_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Christianity—Protestanism | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_chrstprot_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Jainism-Total | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_confgen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Hindu—Total | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_hindgen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Islam—Ahmadiyya | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_islmahm_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Islam—Alawite | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_islmalw_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Islam—Total | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_islmgen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Islam-Ibadhi | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_islmibd_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Islam—Nation of Islam | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_islmnat_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Islam-Other | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_islmothr_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Islam—Shi’a | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_islmshi_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Islam—Sunni | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_islmsun_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Confucianism—Total | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_jaingen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Judaism—Conservatives | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_jdcons_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Judaism—Total | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_judgen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Judaism—Orthodox | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_judorth_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Judaism-Others | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_judothr_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Judaism—Reform | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_judref_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Non. Religious—Total | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_nonrelig_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Other Religions—Total | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_othrgen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Shinto—Total | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_shntgen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Sikh—Total | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_sikhgen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Syncretic Religions | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_syncgen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Taoism—Total | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_taogen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of Zoroastrian—Total | Culture | Religion | cult_relig_absolute_zorogen_COW_interpol | Metric | |
Absolute adherents of religion | Culture | Religion | cult_ | Metric |