Country Midpoint Distance in km
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | |
Technical name | geo_mid_dist_eurogeographics |
Category | Geography |
Label | Country Midpoint Distance |
Related indicators |
This indicator expresses the distance between the midpoints of two countries. Time coverage is for 2016. We aim to extend the time coverage in the future. The table includes COW country codes of the sender and receiver country and the distance in kilometers.
Coding rules
The data source is Eurostat/Eurogeographics for the shapefiles of the countries. The midpoint coordinates were calculated by Tobias Tkaczick using ArcGIS. The distances were calculated by Lara Eiser using ArcGIS as well following the same pattern as for the Capital Distance in km calculation.
The base year of the country midpoint data is 2016. For 2016, the distances were calculated based off the data provision by Eurostat/Eurogeographics. For the previous and following years, the dataset was compared to the Correlates of War Territorial Change dataset (v6)[1]. Small territorial changes under 10.000sqkm were disregarded, because the changes to the country midpoints were estimated to be insignificant.
The 2016 dataset was therefore applied without changes to the following years:
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018, no territorial changes
- 2017, no territorial changes
- 2015, disregarded small territorial changes beween India and Bangladesh
- 2014, territorial changes between Russia and Ukraine that are not internationally recognized and therefore disregarded
- 2013, no territorial changes
- 2012, no territorial changes
- 2011, territorial changes between South Sudan and Sudan that are already reflected by the 2016 dataset
The 2016 dataset was applied to the following years with the stated changes:
Bibliographic info
Related publications:
Project manager(s): Lara Eiser (A01), Michael Lischka (A01), Ivo Mossig (A01)
Data release:
- Correlates of War, Territorial Change dataset v6 [2]
- Tir, Jaroslav, Philip Schafer, Paul Diehl, and Gary Goertz. 1998. "Territorial Changes, 1816-1996: Procedures and Data "Conflict Management and Peace Science 16:89-97