Introducation ministry of education
Quick info | |
Data type | Date |
Scale | Date |
Value labels | Year of creation |
Technical name | edu_intr_ministry |
Category | institutions |
Label | Introduction year of ministry of education |
Related indicators |
This indicator refers to the first introduction i.e. creation of a ministry of education.
Coding rules
We consider a ministry of education to be a government agency specifically designed for the governance and/or management of public education. It needs to be directly subordinated to the government. That means that e.g. a department of education formed in the ministry of social affairs would not be considered as a ministry created and therefore not coded. Note that only the year of first introduction is relevant. Reorganization e.g. forming a ministry of higher education and a separate ministry of basic education is not coded.
Bibliographic info
Citation: tbd
Related publications:
Project manager(s): Michael Windzio / Helen Seitzer / Fabian Besche
Data release:
Marlow-Ferguson, Rebecca (2002): World Education Encyclopedia. A survey of educational systems worldwide. Detroit: Gale Group.
Brock, Colin (Edit): Book Series. Education Around the World. London/New York: Bloomsbury.