Health and long-term care
Revision as of 10:56, 11 March 2020 by Janina Clasen (talk | contribs)
Indicator name* | Subcategory I | Subcategory II | Subcategory III | Technical name* | Scale* | Short description |
Existence of a healthcare system under public responsibility | healthcare | health_HC_public_system | Binary | The country has implemented policies creating a healthcare system under public responsibility | ||
Expenditure on residential long-term care facilities in million NCU (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHP_ResLTCfacilities_MilNCU_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on residential long-term care facilities, measured in million national currency units by Eurostat | |
Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) (%) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_DomGovHExp_PerGDP_WHO | Metric | Share of general government expenditures on health from domestic sources of GDP | |
Current health expenditure (CHE) per capita in US$ | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_CHEperCap_USD_WHO | Metric | Per capita current expenditures on health expressed in respective currency - US dolar | |
Current health expenditure (CHE) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) (%) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_CHE_PerGDP_WHO | Metric | Level of Current Health Expenditure expressed as a percentage of GDP | |
External health expenditure (EXT) as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_ExtHExp_PerCHE_WHO | Metric | Share of current health expenditures funded from external sources | |
External health expenditure (EXT) per capita in US$ | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_ExtHExpPerCap_USD_WHO | Metric | Per capita current external expenditures on health expressed in respective currency - USD | |
Out-of-pocket expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_OOP_PerCHE_WHO | Metric | Share of out of pocket payments of total current health expenditures | |
Out-of-pocket expenditure (OOP) per capita in US$ | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_OOPPerCap_USD_WHO | Metric | Average health expenditure through out-of-pocket payments per capita in USD | |
Domestic private health expenditure (PVT-D) as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_DomPriExp_PerCHE_WHO | Metric | Share of current health expenditures funded from private sources | |
Domestic private health expenditure (PVT-D) per capita in US$ | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_DomPriExpPerCap_USD_WHO | Metric | Per capita current private expenditures on health expressed in respective currency - USD | |
Number of nursing personnel | healthcare | provision | health_HC_provision_Nur_Num_WHO | Metric | Nursing personnel includes professional nurses, auxiliary nurses, enrolled nurses and related occupations such as dental nurses and primary care nurses | |
Number of physicians | healthcare | provision | health_HC_provision_Phy_Num_WHO | Metric | Total number of medical doctors (physicians) in the country | |
Number of midwifery personnel | healthcare | provision | health_HC_provision_Mid_Num_WHO | Metric | Midwifery personnel includes professional midwives, auxiliary midwives, enrolled midwives and related occupations | |
Number of pharmacists | healthcare | provision | health_HC_provision_Pha_Num_WHO | Metric | Graduates of any faculty or school of pharmacy, duly licensed or registered to practise pharmacy and actually working | |
Number of pharmaceutical personnel | healthcare | provision | health_HC_provision_PhaPers_Num_WHO | Metric | Total number of pharmaceutical personnel in the country | |
Number of nursing and midwifery personnel | healthcare | provision | health_HC_provision_NurMid_Num_WHO | Metric | Total number of nursing and midwifery personnel in the country. | |
Physicians density (per 1,000 population) | healthcare | provision | health_HC_provision_Phy_Per1000_WHO | Metric | Number of medical doctors (physicians) per 1,000 population. | |
Nursing and midwifery personnel density (per 1,000 population) | healthcare | provision | health_HC_provision_NurMid_Per1000_WHO | Metric | Number of nursing and midwifery personnel per 1 000 population | |
Total Pharmaceutical Expenditure (millions US$) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_TotPharExp_MiUSD_WHO | Metric | The amount of Total Pharmaceutical Expenditure (TPE). | |
Share of Total Pharmaceutical Expenditure in Total Health Expenditure (%) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_TotPharExp_TotHE_WHO | Metric | The share of Total Pharmaceutical Expenditure in the Total Health Expenditure. | |
Public Pharmaceutical Expenditure per capita (US$) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_PubPharExpPerCap_USS_WHO | Metric | The public pharmaceutical expenditure divided by the number of inhabitants of the country | |
Right of access to essential medicines | healthcare | regulation | health_HC_regulation_RightEssMed_Ind_WHO | Multinominal | Whether access to essential medicines/technologies is recognized in the constitution or national legislation | |
Licensing private pharmacies obligatory | healthcare | regulation | health_HC_regulation_LicPrivPhar_Ind_WHO | Multinominal | The presence of legal provisions requiring private pharmacies to be licensed | |
System in place to monitor prices of medicines | healthcare | regulation | health_HC_regulation_MonPriMed_Ind_WHO | Multinominal | The presence of a national medicine prices monitoring system for retail/patient prices | |
National Essential Medicine List exists | healthcare | regulation | health_HC_regulation_NatEssMed_Ind_WHO | Multinominal | The EML that has been defined, adopted, and published at country level | |
Hospital beds (per 10,000 population) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_provision_HospBed_Per10000_WHO | Metric | The number of hospital beds available per 10,000 inhabitants in population | |
Physician density (per 10,000 population) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_provision_Phy_Per10000_WHO | Metric | Physicians per 10,000 people | |
Nursing and midwifery personnel density (per 10,000 population) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_provision_NurMid_Per10000_WHO | Metric | Nursing and midwifery personnel per 10,000 population | |
Density of pharmaceutical personnel (per 10,000 population) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_provision_PharPer_Per10000_WHO | Metric | Number of pharmaceutical personnel per 1 000 population | |
Private prepaid plans as a percentage of private expenditure on health | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_PriPre_PerPriHExp_Who | Metric | Level of private prepaid plans expressed as a percentage of private expenditure on health | |
Per capita total expenditure on health (PPP int. $) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_TotExpHPerCap_PPP_WHO | Metric | Per capita total expenditure on health (THE) expressed in PPP international dollar | |
Per capita government expenditure on health (PPP int. $) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_GovExpHPerCap_PPP_WHO | Metric | Per capita general government expenditure on health (GGHE) expressed in PPP international dollar | |
General government expenditure on health as a percentage of total government expenditure | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_GovExpH_PerGovExp_WHO | Metric | Level of general government expenditure on health (GGHE) expressed as a percentage of total government expenditure | |
External resources for health as a percentage of total expenditure on health | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_ExtResH_PerTotHE_WHO | Metric | External resources for health expressed as a percentage of total expenditure on health | |
Social security expenditure on health as a percentage of general government expenditure on health | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_SSExpH_PerGovHE_WHO | Metric | Level of social security funds | |
Out-of-pocket expenditure as a percentage of private expenditure on health | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_OOP_PerPriHE_WHO | Metric | Level of out-of-pocket expenditure | |
Total expenditure on health as a percentage of gross domestic product | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_TptExH_PerGDP_WHO | Metric | Level of total expenditure on health (THE) | |
Private expenditure on health as a percentage of total expenditure on health | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_PriExpH_PetTotHExp_WHO | Metric | Level of private expenditure on health | |
General government expenditure on health as a percentage of total expenditure on health | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_GovExpH_PerTotHExp_WHO | Metric | Level of general government expenditure on health (GGHE) | |
Out-of-pocket expenditure as a percentage of total expenditure on health | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_OOP_PerTotHExp_WHO | Metric | Level of out-of-pocket expenditure expressed as a percentage of total expenditure on health | |
Per capita total expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_ExpHPerCap_USD_WHO | Metric | Per capita total expenditure on health (THE) | |
Capital health expenditure (% of GDP) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_CapHealthExp_PerGDP_WB | Metric | Level of capital investments on health expressed as a percentage of GDP | |
Current health expenditure per capita (current US$) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_CHE_PerCap_CUSD_WB | Metric | Current expenditures on health per capita in current US dollars | |
Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_CHE_PerGDP_WB | Metric | Level of current health expenditure expressed as a percentage of GDP | |
Domestic general government health expenditure per capita (current US$) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_DomGovHExp_CUSD_WB | Metric | Public expenditure on health from domestic sources per capita expressed in current US dollars | |
Domestic general government health expenditure (% of current health expenditure) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_DomGovHExp_PerCHE_WB | Metric | Share of current health expenditures funded from domestic public sources for health | |
Domestic general government health expenditure (% of GDP) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_DomGovHExp_PerGDP_WB | Metric | Public expenditure on health from domestic sources as a share of the economy as measured by GDP | |
Domestic general government health expenditure (% of general government expenditure) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_DomGovHExp_PerGovExp_WB | Metric | Public expenditure on health from domestic sources as a share of total public expenditure | |
Domestic private health expenditure per capita (current US$) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_DomPrivHExp_CUSD_WB | Metric | Current private expenditures on health per capita expressed in current US dollars | |
Domestic private health expenditure (% of current health expenditure) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_DomPrivHExp_PerCHE_WB | Metric | Share of current health expenditures funded from domestic private sources | |
External health expenditure (% of current health expenditure) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_ExtHExp_PerCHE_WB | Metric | Share of current health expenditures funded from external sources | |
External health expenditure per capita (current US$) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_ExtHExpPerCap_CUSD_WB | Metric | Current external expenditures on health per capita expressed in current US dollars | |
Out-of-pocket expenditure per capita (current US$) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_OOP_PerCap_WB | Metric | Health expenditure through out-of-pocket payments per capita in USD | |
Out-of-pocket expenditure (% of current health expenditure) | healthcare | financing | health_HC_financing_OOP_PerCHE_WB | Metric | Share of out-of-pocket payments of total current health expenditures | |
Hospital beds (per 1,000 people) | healthcare | provision | health_HC_provision_HospBed_Per1000_WB | Metric | Hospital beds include inpatient beds available in public, private, general, and specialized hospitals and rehabilitation centers | |
Nurses and midwives (per 1,000 people) | healthcare | provision | health_HC_provision_NurMid_Per1000_WB | Metric | Nurses and midwives (per 1,000 people) | |
Physicians (per 1,000 people) | healthcare | provision | health_HC_provision_Phy_Per1000_WB | Metric | Physicians (per 1,000 people) | |
UHC service coverage index | healthcare | regulation | health_HC_regulation_UHC_Ind_WB | Ordinal | Coverage index for essential health services | |
Expenditure on residential long-term care facilities in percentage of GDP (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHP_ResLTCfacilities_PerGDP_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on residential long-term care facilities, measured in percentage of the gross domestic product by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on long-term care (health) in million NCU (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHC_LTChealth_MilNCU_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on long-term care (health), measured in million national currency units by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on long-term care (health) in percentage of GDP (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHC_LTChealth_PerGDP_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on long-term care (health), measured in percentage of the gross domestic product by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on inpatient long-term care (health) in million NCU (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHC_LTCinpatient_MilNCU_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on inpatient long-term care (health), measured in million national currency units by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on inpatient long-term care (health) in percentage of GDP (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHC_LTCinpatient_PerGDP_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on inpatient long-term care (health), measured in percentage of the gross domestic product by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on day long-term care (health) in million NCU (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHC_LTCday_MilNCU_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on day long-term care (health), measured in million national currency units by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on day long-term care (health) in percentage of GDP (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHC_LTCday_PerGDP_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on day long-term care (health), measured in percentage of the gross domestic product by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on outpatient long-term care (health) in million NCU (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHC_LTCoutpatient_MilNCU_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on outpatient long-term care (health), measured in million national currency units by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on outpatient long-term care (health) in percentage of GDP (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHC_LTCoutpatient_PerGDP_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on outpatient long-term care (health), measured in percentage of the gross domestic product by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on home-based long-term care (health), measured in million national currency by Eurostat | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHC_LTChome_MilNCU_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on home-based long-term care (health), measured in million national currency by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on home-based long-term care (health) in percentage of GDP (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHC_LTChome_PerGDP_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on home-based long-term care (health), measured in percentage of the gross domestic product by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on long-term care (social) in million NCU (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHC_LTCsocial_MilNCU_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on long-term care (social), measured in million national currency units by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on long-term care (social) in percentage of GDP (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHC_LTCsocial_PerGDP_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on long-term care (social), measured in percentage of the gross domestic product by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on long-term care (health) by government schemes and compulsory contributory health care financing schemes in million NCU (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHCHF_LTChealth_GovComp_MilNCU_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on long-term care (health), measured by government schemes and compulsory contributory health care financing schemes in million currency units by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on long-term care (health) by government schemes and compulsory contributory health care financing schemes in percentage of GDP (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHCHF_LTChealth_GovComp_PerGDP_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on long-term care (health), measured by government schemes and compulsory contributory health care financing schemes in percentage of the gross domestic product by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on long-term care (health) by government schemes in million NCU (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHCHF_LTChealth_Gov_MilNCU_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on long-term care (health), measured by government schemes in million national currency units by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on long-term care (health) by government schemes in percentage of GDP (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHCHF_LTChealth_Gov_PerGDP_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on long-term care (health) by government schemes in percentage of GDP by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on long-term care (health) by compulsory contributory health insurance schemes and compulsory medical saving accounts in million NCU (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHCHF_LTChealth_Comp_MilNCU_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on long-term care (health), measured by compulsory contributory health insurance schemes and compulsory medical saving accounts in million national currency units by Eurostat | |
Expenditure on long-term care (health) by compulsory contributory health insurance schemes and compulsory medical saving accounts in percentage of GDP (Eurostat) | long-term care | financing | health_LTC_financing_ExpHCHF_LTChealth_Comp_PerGDP_Eurostat | Metric | Expenditure on long-term care (health), measured by compulsory contributory health insurance schemes and compulsory medical saving accounts in percentage of the gross domestic product by Eurostat |