Talk:Country codes
Shall we discuss COW and V-Dem definitions at length? Or just refer to them?
Shall we list countries in alphabetical order by continents? Or further refer to regions like V-Dem (e.g. Central Africa, East/Horn of Africa etc.)
-> I think it would be good if the countries are listed alphabetically but the table has a column for regions and sub-regions to filter them. I would suggest to use the UN defintions for regions and sub-regions, see
Spelling Mistake in Bosnia and Herzegovina
I think there is a spelling mistake in one of the entries in the country table of Bosnia and Herzegovina (o instead of e). I cannot edit the page, would be great if someone who has access can correct it. Thanks!
Code for Palestine
We suggest a code for Palestine: 667 Israel has 666, thats why we suggest this code
Code for Puerto Rico
We suggest a code for Puerto Rico: 43 Dominican Republic (regionally close) has 42
Why ignore some countries
for example, we have data for North Vietnam during the split, why would we not incorporate this into Wesis? You have it listed as a related entry cow_code 817 there are other examples like this (eg., Serbia, Serbia and Montenegro)
Gran Colombia
It was a small empire including Ecuador, Panama and Venzuela <- these countries should be listed as 'related entities' no?
East and West Germany
Most of the data we have is radically different for East and West Germany. You have country codes for both (260 and 265), why not use them? Please let me upload data for both. We are throwing away both data and history by forcing Germany to be one code.