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* Begum, S. and D. Wesumperuma. 2012. "Old Age Allowance Programme in Bangladesh: Challenges and Lessons" in S.W. Handayani and B. Babayanian (eds.) ''Social Protection for Older Persons: Social Pensions in Asia''. Manila, Asian Development Bank: 187-213.
* Begum, S. and D. Wesumperuma. 2012. "Old Age Allowance Programme in Bangladesh: Challenges and Lessons" in S.W. Handayani and B. Babayanian (eds.) ''Social Protection for Older Persons: Social Pensions in Asia''. Manila, Asian Development Bank: 187-213.
* Cambodia. 2002. "Law on Social Security Schemes for Persons defined by the Provisions of the Labour Law." https://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/ELECTRONIC/71910/96916/F1873020753/KHM71910.pdf
* Cambodia. 2002. "Law on Social Security Schemes for Persons defined by the Provisions of the Labour Law." https://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/ELECTRONIC/71910/96916/F1873020753/KHM71910.pdf
* Chad. 1977. "Décret 77-207 1977-06-30 P-CSM/78. Décret Instituant un Régime de Pension Vieillesse, d'Invalidité et de Décès." https://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/ELECTRONIC/9906/115446/F542451179/TCD-
* Chad. 1977. "Décret 77-207 1977-06-30 P-CSM/78. Décret Instituant un Régime de Pension Vieillesse, d'Invalidité et de Décès." https://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/ELECTRONIC/9906/115446/F542451179/TCD-9906.pdf
* Colombia. 1946. "Ley 90 de 1946. Por la cual se establece el seguro social obligatorio y se crea el Instituto Colombiano de Seguros Sociales." http://comisionseptimasenado.gov.co/Pensiones/pdf/1946%20LEY%200090.pdf
* Colombia. 1946. "Ley 90 de 1946. Por la cual se establece el seguro social obligatorio y se crea el Instituto Colombiano de Seguros Sociales." http://comisionseptimasenado.gov.co/Pensiones/pdf/1946%20LEY%200090.pdf
* Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. 1963. "El Derecho a la Seguridad Social." http://www.cidh.org/countryrep/Cuba83sp/capitulo11.htm
* Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. 1963. "El Derecho a la Seguridad Social." http://www.cidh.org/countryrep/Cuba83sp/capitulo11.htm
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* Spectator Archive. 1906. "The Austrian Pension Law." http://archive.spectator.co.uk/article/7th-september-1907/14/the-austrian-pension-law
* Spectator Archive. 1906. "The Austrian Pension Law." http://archive.spectator.co.uk/article/7th-september-1907/14/the-austrian-pension-law
* Thailand. 1990. "Social Security Act, B.E. 2533 (1990)." http://www.thailaws.com/
* Thailand. 1990. "Social Security Act, B.E. 2533 (1990)." http://www.thailaws.com/
* Tuvalu. 1984. "Provident Fund Act (Cap.32.08)." https://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/ELECTRONIC/85533/95810/F44521826/TUV85
* Tuvalu. 1984. "Provident Fund Act (Cap.32.08)." https://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/ELECTRONIC/85533/95810/F44521826/TUV85533.pdf
* USSSA. 1939-2019. "Social Security Programs Throughout the World." https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/progdesc/ssptw/
* USSSA. 1939-2019. "Social Security Programs Throughout the World." https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/progdesc/ssptw/
* USSSA. 1959. "Social Security in the Union in the Soviet Socialist Republics." ''Social Security Bulletin'' 22 (8): 3-7.
* USSSA. 1959. "Social Security in the Union in the Soviet Socialist Republics." ''Social Security Bulletin'' 22 (8): 3-7.

Revision as of 09:17, 3 June 2021

Quick info
Data type Numeric
Scale Multinomial
Value labels 1 = "Social insurance", 2 = "Non-contributory, universal", 3 = "Non-contributory, means-tested", 4 = "Non-contributory, pension-tested", 5 = "Provident fund", 6 = "Employer liability system", 7 = "Mandatory individual account system", -88 = "Not applicable", -66 = "Missing value"
Technical name old_pension_design
Category Old age and survivors
Label Design of first federal old-age pension program
Related indicators old_pension_firstlaw

This indicator differs between seven old-age pension designs that have been inspired by the categories used in the reports of the United States Social Security Administration.

Coding rules

Bibliographic info

Citation: Grünewald, Aline. 2020. "The historical origins of old-age pension schemes: Mapping global patterns."Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy: 1-19. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-international-and-comparative-social-policy/article/abs/historical-origins-of-oldage-pension-schemes/2B14501D496F04C354DE0A32F1C94BE2

Related publications: Grünewald, Aline. 2021. "From Benefits and Beneficiaries: The Historical Origins of Old-Age Pensions From a Political Regime Perspective." Comparative Political Studies 54 (8): 1424-1458.


Project manager(s): Aline Grünewald

Data release: 2021

Revisions: revisions


XLVII (83): 927-946.