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{|class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{|class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
!Indicator Name!!Topic!!Subcategory I!!Subcategory II!!Subcategory III!!Technical name!!Scale
! Indicator Name
! Subcategory I
! Subcategory II
! Subcategory III
! Technical name
! Scale
! Short Description
|[[Education introduced in social legislation]]||||basic legal regulations||||||edu_intr_soc_leg||Date
| [[Age of first selection]]
| tbd
| edu_first_select
| Metric
|[[Introduction of compulsory pre-school education]]||||basic legal regulations||||||edu_intr_comp_pre||Date
| [[Between school tracking]]
| differentiation
| edu_track
| Binary
|[[Introduction of compulsory schooling]]||||basic legal regulations||||||edu_intr_comp||Date
| [[Civic non-formal education]]
| tbd
| edu_civic_nfe
| Metric
|[[Pupil/Student to teacher ratio]]||||tbd||||||edu_pup_teach_ratio||Metric
| [[Completion rates]]
| tbd
| edu_compl_rate
| Metric
|[[Introducation ministry of education]]||||institutions||||||edu_intr_ministry||Date
| [[Duration of higher education]]
| basic legal regulations
| edu_dur_he
| Metric
|[[ Duration of minimum education in years]]||||basic legal regulations||||||edu_dur_min||Metric
| [[Duration of lower secondary education]]
| basic legal regulations
| edu_dur_low_sec
| Metric
|[[ Duration of pre-school education]]||||basic legal regulations||||||edu_dur_pre||Metric
| [[Duration of minimum education in years]]
| basic legal regulations
| edu_dur_min
| Metric
|[[ Duration of primary education]]||||basic legal regulations||||||edu_dur_pri||Metric
| [[Duration of pre-school education]]
| basic legal regulations
| edu_dur_pre
| Metric
|[[ Duration of lower secondary education]]||||basic legal regulations||||||edu_dur_low_sec||Metric
| [[Duration of primary education]]
| basic legal regulations
| edu_dur_pri
| Metric
|[[ Duration of upper secondary education]]||||basic legal regulations||||||edu_dur_up_sec||Metric
| [[Duration of upper secondary education]]
| basic legal regulations
| edu_dur_up_sec
| Metric
|[[ Duration of VET]]||||basic legal regulations||||||edu_dur_vet||Metric
| [[Duration of VET]]
| basic legal regulations
| edu_dur_vet
| Metric
|[[ Duration of higher education]]||||basic legal regulations||||||edu_dur_he||Metric
| [[Education introduced in social legislation]]
| basic legal regulations
| edu_intr_soc_leg
| Date
|[[ Age of first selection]]||||tbd||||||edu_first_select||Metric
| [[Enrollment rate in occupational training]]
| inclusion rate
| edu_occ_enroll
| Metric
|[[ Introduction official medium of instruction]]||||basic legal regulation||||||edu_intr_med_instr||Date
| [[Enrollment rate in pre-school education]]
| inclusion rate
| edu_pre_enroll
| Metric
|[[ Official medium of instruction]]||||basic legal regulation||||||edu_med_instr||
| [[Enrollment rate in primary education]]
| inclusion rate
| edu_pri_enroll
| Metric
|[[ Public-Private mix]]||||tbd||||||edu_pub_prv_mix||Date
| [[Enrollment rate in secondary education]]
| inclusion rate
| edu_sec_enroll
| Metric
|[[ Share of persons with special educational needs who normally are enrolled in school]]||||inclusion rate||||||edu_sen_enroll||Metric
| [[Enrollment rate in tertiary education]]
| inclusion rate
| edu_ter_enroll
| Metric
|[[ Share of students in public schools with co-education]]||||inclusion rate||||||edu_pub_co_enroll||Metric
| [[Home Schooling]]
| tbd
| edu_intr_home_school
| Date
|[[ Private Tutoring]]||||tbd||||||edu_prv_tut||Metric
| [[Introducation ministry of education]]
| institutions
| edu_intr_ministry
| Date
|[[Introducation of compulsory education for women]]||||tbd||||||edu_intr_comp_fem||Date
| [[Introducation of compulsory education for women]]
| tbd
| edu_intr_comp_fem
| Date
|[[ Share of women who are enrolled in school]]||||inclusion rate||||||edu_fem_enroll||Metric
| [[Introduction of compulsory pre-school education]]
| basic legal regulations
| edu_intr_comp_pre
| Date
|[[ Completion rates]]||||tbd||||||edu_compl_rate||Metric
| [[Introduction of compulsory schooling]]
| basic legal regulations
| edu_intr_comp
| Date
|[[ Transfer rates primary to secondary]]||||tbd||||||edu_pri_sec_transf||Metric
| [[Introduction official medium of instruction]]
| basic legal regulation
| edu_intr_med_instr
| Date
|[[ Stratification of education system]]||||differentiation||||||edu_intr_sys_strat||Date
| [[Liberalization of education system]]
| differentiation
| edu_sys_lib
| Metric
|[[ Between school tracking]]|||| differentiation ||||||edu_track||Binary
| [[Marxism-leninism]]
| tbd
| edu_marx_lenin
| Binary
|[[ Liberalization of education system]]|||| differentiation ||||||edu_sys_lib||Metric
| [[Marxist-leninist non-formal education]]
| tbd
| edu_marx_lenin_nfe
| Metric
|[[ Standardization of education system]]|||| differentiation ||||||edu_intr_sys_stand||Date
| [[Non-formal education introduced in legislation]]
| tbd
| edu_intr_nfe_leg
| Date
|[[ Standardized VET]]|||| differentiation ||||||edu_intr_stand_vet||Date
| [[Non-formal enrollment rate ]]
| tbd
| edu_nfe_enroll
| Metric
|[[ Marxism-leninism]]||||tbd||||||edu_marx_lenin||Binary
| [[Non-formal enrollment rate primary school age]]
| tbd
| edu_nfe_pri_enroll
| Metric
|[[religious education/socialization/indoctrination]]||||tbd||||||edu_relig||Binary
| [[Non-formal enrollment rate secondary school age]]
| tbd
| edu_nfe_sec_enroll
| Metric
|[[Universalistic ethics education]]||||tbd||||||edu_civic||Binary
| [[Official medium of instruction]]
| basic legal regulation
| edu_med_instr
|[[Home Schooling]]||||tbd||||||edu_intr_home_school||Date
| [[Private expenditure on non-formal education / GDP]]
| private expenditure
| edu_prv_exp_nfe
| Metric
|[[Teacher training]]||||tbd||||||edu_intr_teach_train||Date
| [[Private expenditure on occupational training / GDP]]
| private expenditure
| edu_prv_exp_occ
| Metric
|[[ Non-formal education introduced in legislation]]||||tbd||||||edu_intr_nfe_leg||Date
| [[Private expenditure on pre-school education / GDP]]
| private expenditure
| edu_prv_exp_pre
| Metric
|[[ Non-formal enrollment rate primary school age]]||||tbd||||||edu_nfe_pri_enroll||Metric
| [[Private expenditure on primary education / GDP]]
| private expenditure
| edu_prv_exp_pri
| Metric
|[[ Non-formal enrollment rate secondary school age]]||||tbd||||||edu_nfe_sec_enroll||Metric
| [[Private expenditure on secondary education / GDP]]
| private expenditure
| edu_prv_exp_sec
| Metric
|[[ Non-formal enrollment rate ]]||||tbd||||||edu_nfe_enroll||Metric
| [[Private expenditure on tertiary education / GDP]]
| private expenditure
| edu_prv_exp_ter
| Metric
|[[ Public expenditure on non-formal education / GDP]]||||public expenditure||||||edu_pub_exp_nfe||Metric
| [[Private Tutoring]]
| tbd
| edu_prv_tut
| Metric
|[[ Private expenditure on non-formal education / GDP]]||||private expenditure||||||edu_prv_exp_nfe||Metric
| [[Public expenditure on non-formal education / GDP]]
| public expenditure
| edu_pub_exp_nfe
| Metric
|[[ Marxist-leninist non-formal education]]||||tbd||||||edu_marx_lenin_nfe||Metric
| [[Public expenditure on occupational training / GDP]]
| public expenditure
| edu_pub_exp_occ
| Metric
|[[ Religious non-formal education]]||||tbd||||||edu_relig_nfe||Metric
| [[Public expenditure on pre-school education / GDP]]
| public expenditure
| edu_pub_exp_pre
| Metric
|[[ Civic non-formal education]]||||tbd||||||edu_civic_nfe||Metric
| [[Public expenditure on primary education / GDP]]
| public expenditure
| edu_pub_exp_pri
| Metric
|[[ Public expenditure on pre-school education / GDP]]||||public expenditure||||||edu_pub_exp_pre||Metric
| [[Public expenditure on secondary education / GDP]]
| public expenditure
| edu_pub_exp_sec
| Metric
|[[ Public expenditure on primary education / GDP]]||||public expenditure||||||edu_pub_exp_pri||Metric
| [[Public expenditure on tertiary education / GDP]]
| public expenditure
| edu_pub_exp_ter
| Metric
|[[ Public expenditure on secondary education / GDP]]||||public expenditure||||||edu_pub_exp_sec||Metric
| [[Public-Private mix]]
| tbd
| edu_pub_prv_mix
| Date
|[[ Public expenditure on tertiary education / GDP]]||||public expenditure||||||edu_pub_exp_ter||Metric
| [[Pupil/Student to teacher ratio]]
| tbd
| edu_pup_teach_ratio
| Metric
|[[ Public expenditure on occupational training / GDP]]||||public expenditure||||||edu_pub_exp_occ||Metric
| [[religious education/socialization/indoctrination]]
| tbd
| edu_relig
| Binary
|[[ Private expenditure on pre-school education / GDP]]||||private expenditure||||||edu_prv_exp_pre||Metric
| [[Religious non-formal education]]
| tbd
| edu_relig_nfe
| Metric
|[[ Private expenditure on primary education / GDP]]||||private expenditure||||||edu_prv_exp_pri||Metric
| [[Share of birth cohort that attended school]]
| inclusion rate
| edu_enroll
| Metric
|[[ Private expenditure on secondary education / GDP]]||||private expenditure||||||edu_prv_exp_sec||Metric
| [[Share of persons with special educational needs who normally are enrolled in school]]
| inclusion rate
| edu_sen_enroll
| Metric
|[[ Private expenditure on tertiary education / GDP]]||||private expenditure||||||edu_prv_exp_ter||Metric
| [[Share of students in public schools with co-education]]
| inclusion rate
| edu_pub_co_enroll
| Metric
|[[ Private expenditure on occupational training / GDP]]||||private expenditure||||||edu_prv_exp_occ||Metric
| [[Share of women who are enrolled in school]]
| inclusion rate
| edu_fem_enroll
| Metric
|[[ Share of birth cohort that attended school]]||||inclusion rate||||||edu_enroll||Metric
| [[Standardization of education system]]
| differentiation
| edu_intr_sys_stand
| Date
|[[ Enrollment rate in pre-school education]]||||inclusion rate||||||edu_pre_enroll||Metric
| [[Standardized VET]]
| differentiation
| edu_intr_stand_vet
| Date
|[[ Enrollment rate in primary education]]||||inclusion rate||||||edu_pri_enroll||Metric
| [[Stratification of education system]]
| differentiation
| edu_intr_sys_strat
| Date
|[[ Enrollment rate in secondary education]]||||inclusion rate||||||edu_sec_enroll||Metric
| [[Teacher training]]
| tbd
| edu_intr_teach_train
| Date
|[[ Enrollment rate in tertiary education]]||||inclusion rate||||||edu_ter_enroll||Metric
| [[Transfer rates primary to secondary]]
| tbd
|[[ Enrollment rate in occupational training]]||||inclusion rate||||||edu_occ_enroll||Metric
| edu_pri_sec_transf
| Metric
| [[Universalistic ethics education]]
| tbd
| edu_civic
| Binary

Revision as of 10:52, 11 October 2019

Indicator Name Subcategory I Subcategory II Subcategory III Technical name Scale Short Description
Age of first selection tbd edu_first_select Metric
Between school tracking differentiation edu_track Binary
Civic non-formal education tbd edu_civic_nfe Metric
Completion rates tbd edu_compl_rate Metric
Duration of higher education basic legal regulations edu_dur_he Metric
Duration of lower secondary education basic legal regulations edu_dur_low_sec Metric
Duration of minimum education in years basic legal regulations edu_dur_min Metric
Duration of pre-school education basic legal regulations edu_dur_pre Metric
Duration of primary education basic legal regulations edu_dur_pri Metric
Duration of upper secondary education basic legal regulations edu_dur_up_sec Metric
Duration of VET basic legal regulations edu_dur_vet Metric
Education introduced in social legislation basic legal regulations edu_intr_soc_leg Date
Enrollment rate in occupational training inclusion rate edu_occ_enroll Metric
Enrollment rate in pre-school education inclusion rate edu_pre_enroll Metric
Enrollment rate in primary education inclusion rate edu_pri_enroll Metric
Enrollment rate in secondary education inclusion rate edu_sec_enroll Metric
Enrollment rate in tertiary education inclusion rate edu_ter_enroll Metric
Home Schooling tbd edu_intr_home_school Date
Introducation ministry of education institutions edu_intr_ministry Date
Introducation of compulsory education for women tbd edu_intr_comp_fem Date
Introduction of compulsory pre-school education basic legal regulations edu_intr_comp_pre Date
Introduction of compulsory schooling basic legal regulations edu_intr_comp Date
Introduction official medium of instruction basic legal regulation edu_intr_med_instr Date
Liberalization of education system differentiation edu_sys_lib Metric
Marxism-leninism tbd edu_marx_lenin Binary
Marxist-leninist non-formal education tbd edu_marx_lenin_nfe Metric
Non-formal education introduced in legislation tbd edu_intr_nfe_leg Date
Non-formal enrollment rate tbd edu_nfe_enroll Metric
Non-formal enrollment rate primary school age tbd edu_nfe_pri_enroll Metric
Non-formal enrollment rate secondary school age tbd edu_nfe_sec_enroll Metric
Official medium of instruction basic legal regulation edu_med_instr
Private expenditure on non-formal education / GDP private expenditure edu_prv_exp_nfe Metric
Private expenditure on occupational training / GDP private expenditure edu_prv_exp_occ Metric
Private expenditure on pre-school education / GDP private expenditure edu_prv_exp_pre Metric
Private expenditure on primary education / GDP private expenditure edu_prv_exp_pri Metric
Private expenditure on secondary education / GDP private expenditure edu_prv_exp_sec Metric
Private expenditure on tertiary education / GDP private expenditure edu_prv_exp_ter Metric
Private Tutoring tbd edu_prv_tut Metric
Public expenditure on non-formal education / GDP public expenditure edu_pub_exp_nfe Metric
Public expenditure on occupational training / GDP public expenditure edu_pub_exp_occ Metric
Public expenditure on pre-school education / GDP public expenditure edu_pub_exp_pre Metric
Public expenditure on primary education / GDP public expenditure edu_pub_exp_pri Metric
Public expenditure on secondary education / GDP public expenditure edu_pub_exp_sec Metric
Public expenditure on tertiary education / GDP public expenditure edu_pub_exp_ter Metric
Public-Private mix tbd edu_pub_prv_mix Date
Pupil/Student to teacher ratio tbd edu_pup_teach_ratio Metric
religious education/socialization/indoctrination tbd edu_relig Binary
Religious non-formal education tbd edu_relig_nfe Metric
Share of birth cohort that attended school inclusion rate edu_enroll Metric
Share of persons with special educational needs who normally are enrolled in school inclusion rate edu_sen_enroll Metric
Share of students in public schools with co-education inclusion rate edu_pub_co_enroll Metric
Share of women who are enrolled in school inclusion rate edu_fem_enroll Metric
Standardization of education system differentiation edu_intr_sys_stand Date
Standardized VET differentiation edu_intr_stand_vet Date
Stratification of education system differentiation edu_intr_sys_strat Date
Teacher training tbd edu_intr_teach_train Date
Transfer rates primary to secondary tbd edu_pri_sec_transf Metric
Universalistic ethics education tbd edu_civic Binary