Difference between revisions of "Education and training"
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| Metric | | Metric | ||
| Public expenditure on education as percentage of GDP | | Public expenditure on education as percentage of GDP | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | | [[ edu_exp_all_prv_ihh_uis | Initial household funding of education as a percentage of GDP UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) ]] | ||
+ | | Resources | ||
+ | | | ||
+ | | | ||
+ | | edu_exp_all_prv_ihh_uis | ||
+ | | Metric | ||
+ | | Initial houselhold funding as a percentage of GDP | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | | [[ edu_exp_pri_prv_ihh_uis | Initial household funding of primary education as a percentage of GDP UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) ]] | ||
+ | | Resources | ||
+ | | | ||
+ | | | ||
+ | | edu_exp_pri_prv_ihh_uis | ||
+ | | Metric | ||
+ | | Initial houselhold funding as a percentage of GDP | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | | [[ edu_exp_sec_prv_ihh_uis | Initial household funding of secondary education as a percentage of GDP UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) ]] | ||
+ | | Resources | ||
+ | | | ||
+ | | | ||
+ | | edu_exp_sec_prv_ihh_uis | ||
+ | | Metric | ||
+ | | Initial houselhold funding as a percentage of GDP | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | | [[ edu_exp_ter_prv_ihh_uis | Initial household funding of tertiary education as a percentage of GDP UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) ]] | ||
+ | | Resources | ||
+ | | | ||
+ | | | ||
+ | | edu_exp_ter_prv_ihh_uis | ||
+ | | Metric | ||
+ | | Initial houselhold funding as a percentage of GDP | ||
|- | |- | ||
|} | |} |
Revision as of 12:39, 28 May 2020
Indicator name* | Subcategory I | Subcategory II | Subcategory III | Technical name* | Scale* | Short description |
Rate of out-of-school children of primary school age, female (%) | inclusion rate | edu_fem_out_school_pri_UIS | Metric | Short Description | ||
Enrollment rate in primary education Lee & Lee | inclusion rate | edu_pri_enroll_LeeLee | Metric | |||
Enrollment rate in secondary education Lee & Lee | inclusion rate | edu_sec_enroll_LeeLee | Metric | |||
Enrollment rate in tertiary education Lee & Lee | inclusion rate | edu_ter_enroll_LeeLee | Metric | |||
Female Enrollment rate in primary education Lee & Lee | inclusion rate | edu_fem_pri_enroll_LeeLee | Metric | |||
Female Enrollment rate in secondary education Lee & Lee | inclusion rate | edu_fem_sec_enroll_LeeLee | Metric | |||
Female Enrollment rate in tertiary education Lee & Lee | inclusion rate | edu_fem_ter_enroll_LeeLee | Metric | |||
Male Enrollment rate in primary education Lee & Lee | inclusion rate | edu_male_pri_enroll_LeeLee | Metric | |||
Male Enrollment rate in secondary education Lee & Lee | inclusion rate | edu_male_sec_enroll_LeeLee | Metric | |||
Male Enrollment rate in tertiary education Lee & Lee | inclusion rate | edu_male_ter_enroll_LeeLee | Metric | |||
Enrollment rate in primary education Lee & Lee Interpolated | inclusion rate | edu_pri_enroll_LeeLee_interpol | Metric | |||
Enrollment rate in secondary education Lee & Lee Interpolated | inclusion rate | edu_sec_enroll_LeeLee_interpol | Metric | |||
Enrollment rate in tertiary education Lee & Lee Interpolated | inclusion rate | edu_ter_enroll_LeeLee_interpol | Metric | |||
Female Enrollment rate in primary education Lee & Lee Interpolated | inclusion rate | edu_fem_pri_enroll_LeeLee_interpol | Metric | |||
Female Enrollment rate in secondary education Lee & Lee Interpolated | inclusion rate | edu_fem_sec_enroll_LeeLee_interpol | Metric | |||
Female Enrollment rate in tertiary education Lee & Lee Interpolated | inclusion rate | edu_fem_ter_enroll_LeeLee_interpol | Metric | |||
Male Enrollment rate in primary education Lee & Lee Interpolated | inclusion rate | edu_male_pri_enroll_LeeLee_interpol | Metric | |||
Male Enrollment rate in secondary education Lee & Lee Interpolated | inclusion rate | edu_male_sec_enroll_LeeLee_interpol | Metric | |||
Male Enrollment rate in tertiary education Lee & Lee Interpolated | inclusion rate | edu_male_ter_enroll_LeeLee_interpol | Metric | |||
Enrolment in lower secondary education, female (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_lowsec_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in pre-primary education, female (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_pre_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in primary education, female (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_pri_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in post-secondary non-tertiary education, female (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_psnt_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in secondary education, female (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_sec_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in tertiary education, all programmes, female (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_ter_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in upper secondary education, female (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_upsec_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in lower secondary education, both sexes (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_lowsec_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in lower secondary education, male (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_lowsec_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in pre-primary education, male (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_pre_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in primary education, male (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_pri_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in post-secondary non-tertiary education, male (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_psnt_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in secondary education, male (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_sec_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in tertiary education, all programmes, male (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_ter_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in upper secondary education, male (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_upsec_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in pre-primary education, both sexes (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_pre_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in primary education, both sexes (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_pri_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in post-secondary non-tertiary education, both sexes (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_psnt_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in secondary education, both sexes (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_sec_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in tertiary education, all programmes, both sexes (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_ter_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Enrolment in upper secondary education, both sexes (number) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_upsec_enroll_uis | Metric | Enrollment in numbers | |
Age of first selection | tbd | edu_first_select | Metric | |||
Between school tracking | differentiation | edu_track | Binary | |||
Civic non-formal education | tbd | edu_civic_nfe | Metric | |||
Completion rates | tbd | edu_compl_rate | Metric | |||
Duration of higher education | basic legal regulations | edu_dur_he | Metric | |||
Duration of lower secondary education | basic legal regulations | edu_dur_lowsec | Metric | |||
Duration of minimum education in years | basic legal regulations | edu_dur_min | Metric | |||
Duration of pre-school education | basic legal regulations | edu_dur_pre | Metric | |||
Duration of primary education | basic legal regulations | edu_dur_pri | Metric | |||
Duration of upper secondary education | basic legal regulations | edu_dur_up_sec | Metric | |||
Duration of VET | basic legal regulations | edu_dur_vet | Metric | |||
Education introduced in social legislation | basic legal regulations | edu_intr_soc_leg | Date | |||
Enrollment rate in occupational training | inclusion rate | edu_occ_enroll | Metric | |||
Enrollment rate in pre-school education | inclusion rate | edu_pre_enroll | Metric | |||
Enrollment rate in primary education | inclusion rate | edu_pri_enroll | Metric | |||
Female Enrollment rate in primary education | inclusion rate | edu_fem_enroll_pri | Metric | |||
Enrollment rate in secondary education | inclusion rate | edu_sec_enroll | Metric | |||
Enrollment rate in tertiary education | inclusion rate | edu_ter_enroll | Metric | |||
Home Schooling | tbd | edu_intr_home_school | Date | |||
Introducation ministry of education | institutions | edu_intr_ministry | Date | |||
Introducation ministry of education Binary | institutions | edu_intr_ministry_bin | Binary | |||
Introducation of compulsory education for women | tbd | edu_intr_comp_fem | Date | |||
Introduction of compulsory pre-school education | basic legal regulations | edu_intr_comp_pre | Date | |||
Introduction of compulsory schooling | basic legal regulations | edu_intr_comp | Date | |||
Introduction of compulsory schooling (binary) | basic legal regulations | edu_intr_comp_bin | Binary | |||
Introduction official medium of instruction | basic legal regulation | edu_intr_med_instr | Date | |||
Liberalization of education system | differentiation | edu_sys_lib | Metric | |||
Marxism-leninism | tbd | edu_marx_lenin | Binary | |||
Marxist-leninist non-formal education | tbd | edu_marx_lenin_nfe | Metric | |||
Non-formal education introduced in legislation | tbd | edu_intr_nfe_leg | Date | |||
Non-formal enrollment rate | tbd | edu_nfe_enroll | Metric | |||
Non-formal enrollment rate primary school age | tbd | edu_nfe_pri_enroll | Metric | |||
Non-formal enrollment rate secondary school age | tbd | edu_nfe_sec_enroll | Metric | |||
Official medium of instruction | basic legal regulation | edu_med_instr | Multinomial | |||
Private expenditure on non-formal education / GDP | private expenditure | edu_prv_exp_nfe | Metric | |||
Private expenditure on occupational training / GDP | private expenditure | edu_prv_exp_occ | Metric | |||
Private expenditure on pre-school education / GDP | private expenditure | edu_prv_exp_pre | Metric | |||
Private expenditure on primary education / GDP | private expenditure | edu_prv_exp_pri | Metric | |||
Private expenditure on secondary education / GDP | private expenditure | edu_prv_exp_sec | Metric | |||
Private expenditure on tertiary education / GDP | private expenditure | edu_prv_exp_ter | Metric | |||
Private Tutoring | tbd | edu_prv_tut | Metric | |||
Public expenditure on non-formal education / GDP | public expenditure | edu_pub_exp_nfe | Metric | |||
Public expenditure on occupational training / GDP | public expenditure | edu_pub_exp_occ | Metric | |||
Public expenditure on pre-school education / GDP | public expenditure | edu_pub_exp_pre_gdp_UIS | Metric | |||
Public expenditure on primary education / GDP | public expenditure | edu_pub_exp_pri_gdp_UIS | Metric | |||
Public expenditure on lower secondary education / GDP | public expenditure | edu_pub_exp_lowsec_gdp_UIS | Metric | |||
Public expenditure on post-secondary, non-tertiary education / GDP | public expenditure | edu_pub_exp_psnt_gdp_UIS | Metric | |||
Public expenditure on upper secondary education / GDP | public expenditure | edu_pub_exp_upsec_gdp_UIS | Metric | |||
Public expenditure on secondary education / GDP | public expenditure | edu_pub_exp_sec_gdp_UIS | Metric | |||
Public expenditure on tertiary education / GDP | public expenditure | edu_pub_exp_ter_gdp_UIS | Metric | |||
Public expenditure on secondary and post-secondary, non-tertiary and vocational education / GDP | public expenditure | edu_pub_exp_spsntv_gdp_UIS | Metric | |||
Public-Private mix | tbd | edu_pub_prv_mix | Date | |||
Pupil/Student to teacher ratio | tbd | edu_pup_teach_ratio | Metric | |||
religious education/socialization/indoctrination | tbd | edu_relig | Binary | |||
Religious non-formal education | tbd | edu_relig_nfe | Metric | |||
Share of birth cohort that attended school | inclusion rate | edu_enroll | Metric | |||
Share of persons with special educational needs who normally are enrolled in school | inclusion rate | edu_sen_enroll | Metric | |||
Share of students in public schools with co-education | inclusion rate | edu_pub_co_enroll | Metric | |||
Share of women who are enrolled in school | inclusion rate | edu_fem_enroll | Metric | |||
Standardization of education system | differentiation | edu_intr_sys_stand | Date | |||
Standardized VET | differentiation | edu_intr_stand_vet | Date | |||
Stratification of education system | differentiation | edu_intr_sys_strat | Date | |||
Teacher training | tbd | edu_intr_teach_train | Date | |||
Transfer rates primary to secondary | tbd | edu_pri_sec_transf | Metric | |||
Effective transition rate from primary to lower secondary general education, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Progression | edu_fem_pri_sec_transf_uis | Metric | Effective transition rate from primary to lower secondary | |
Effective transition rate from primary to lower secondary general education, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Progression | edu_male_pri_sec_transf_uis | Metric | Effective transition rate from primary to lower secondary | |
Effective transition rate from primary to lower secondary general education, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Progression | edu_pri_sec_transf_uis | Metric | Effective transition rate from primary to lower secondary | |
Universalistic ethics education | tbd | edu_civic | Binary | |||
Duration of compulsory education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_comp_uis | Metric | ||
School life expectancy, primary and lower secondary, female (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_fem_life_expectancy_pls_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, pre-primary, female (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_fem_life_expectancy_pre_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, primary to tertiary, female (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_fem_life_expectancy_pri_ter_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, primary, female (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_fem_life_expectancy_pri_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, post-secondary non-tertiary, female (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_fem_life_expectancy_psnt_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, secondary, female (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_fem_life_expectancy_sec_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, tertiary, female (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_fem_life_expectancy_ter_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, primary and lower secondary, both sexes (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_life_expectancy_pls_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, pre-primary, both sexes (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_life_expectancy_pre_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, primary to tertiary, both sexes (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_life_expectancy_pri_ter_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, primary, both sexes (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_life_expectancy_pri_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, post-secondary non-tertiary, both sexes (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_life_expectancy_psnt_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, secondary, both sexes (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_life_expectancy_sec_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, tertiary, both sexes (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_life_expectancy_ter_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, primary and lower secondary, male (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_male_life_expectancy_pls_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, pre-primary, male (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_male_life_expectancy_pre_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, primary to tertiary, male (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_male_life_expectancy_pri_ter_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, primary, male (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_male_life_expectancy_pri_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, post-secondary non-tertiary, male (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_male_life_expectancy_psnt_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, secondary, male (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_male_life_expectancy_sec_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
School life expectancy, tertiary, male (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_male_life_expectancy_ter_uis | Metric | Number of years a person can expect to spend within the specified level of education | |
Theoretical duration of lower secondary education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_lowsec_uis | Metric | ||
Theoretical duration of pre-primary education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_pre_uis | Metric | ||
Theoretical duration of primary education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_pri_uis | Metric | ||
Theoretical duration of post-secondary non-tertiary education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_psnt_uis | Metric | ||
Theoretical duration of secondary education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_sec_uis | Metric | ||
Theoretical duration of upper secondary education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_upsec_uis | Metric | ||
Number of years of compulsory pre-primary education guaranteed in legal frameworks UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_comp_pre_lf_uis | Metric | Number of years of compulsory education guaranteed in legal frameworks | |
Number of years of compulsory primary education guaranteed in legal frameworks UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_comp_pri_lf_uis | Metric | Number of years of compulsory education guaranteed in legal frameworks | |
Number of years of compulsory primary and secondary education guaranteed in legal frameworks UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_comp_ps_lf_uis | Metric | Number of years of compulsory education guaranteed in legal frameworks | |
Number of years of compulsory secondary education guaranteed in legal frameworks UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_comp_sec_lf_uis | Metric | Number of years of compulsory education guaranteed in legal frameworks | |
Total number of years of compulsory education guaranteed in legal frameworks UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_comp_total_lf_uis | Metric | Number of years of compulsory education guaranteed in legal frameworks | |
Number of years of free pre-primary education guaranteed in legal frameworks UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_free_pre_uis | Metric | Duration of free education | |
Number of years of free primary education guaranteed in legal frameworks UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_free_pri_uis | Metric | Duration of free education | |
Number of years of free primary and secondary education guaranteed in legal frameworks UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_free_ps_uis | Metric | Duration of free education | |
Number of years of free secondary education guaranteed in legal frameworks UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_free_sec_uis | Metric | Duration of free education | |
Total number of years of free education guaranteed in legal frameworks UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Durations | edu_dur_free_total_uis | Metric | Duration of free education | |
Official entrance age to compulsory education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Differentiation | edu_age_entry_comp_uis | Metric | Entrance age to a determined program or level of education | |
Official entrance age to lower secondary education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Differentiation | edu_age_entry_lowsec_uis | Metric | Entrance age to a determined program or level of education | |
Official entrance age to pre-primary education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Differentiation | edu_age_entry_pre_uis | Metric | Entrance age to a determined program or level of education | |
Official entrance age to primary education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Differentiation | edu_age_entry_pri_uis | Metric | Entrance age to a determined program or level of education | |
Official entrance age to post-secondary non-tertiary education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Differentiation | edu_age_entry_psnt_uis | Metric | Entrance age to a determined program or level of education | |
Official entrance age to upper secondary education (years) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | System | Differentiation | edu_age_entry_upsec_uis | Metric | Entrance age to a determined program or level of education | |
Net enrolment rate for compulsory education age group, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_comp_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate for compulsory education age group, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_comp_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, lower secondary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_lowsec_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, pre-primary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_pre_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, primary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_pri_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, secondary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_sec_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, upper secondary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_upsec_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Proportion of 15-24 year-olds enrolled in vocational education, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_vet_prop_15-24_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, lower secondary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_lowsec_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate for compulsory education age group, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_comp_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, lower secondary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_lowsec_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, pre-primary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_pre_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, primary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_pri_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, secondary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_sec_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, upper secondary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_upsec_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Proportion of 15-24 year-olds enrolled in vocational education, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_vet_prop_15-24_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, pre-primary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_pre_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, primary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_pri_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, secondary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_sec_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Net enrolment rate, upper secondary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_upsec_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Proportion of 15-24 year-olds enrolled in vocational education, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_vet_prop_15-24_enroll_uis | Metric | Net enrollment expressed as percentage | |
Adjusted net enrolment rate, lower secondary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_lowsec_adj_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Adjusted net enrollment expressed as a percentage | |
Adjusted net enrolment rate, primary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_pri_adj_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Adjusted net enrollment expressed as a percentage | |
Adjusted net enrolment rate, lower secondary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_lowsec_adj_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Adjusted net enrollment expressed as a percentage | |
Adjusted net enrolment rate, lower secondary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_lowsec_adj_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Adjusted net enrollment expressed as a percentage | |
Adjusted net enrolment rate, primary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_pri_adj_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Adjusted net enrollment expressed as a percentage | |
Adjusted net enrolment rate, primary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_pri_adj_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Adjusted net enrollment expressed as a percentage | |
Total net enrolment rate, lower secondary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_lowsec_total_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Total net enrollment rate expressed as percentage | |
Total net enrolment rate, primary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_pri_total_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Total net enrollment rate expressed as percentage | |
Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_upsec_total_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Total net enrollment rate expressed as percentage | |
Total net enrolment rate, lower secondary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_lowsec_total_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Total net enrollment rate expressed as percentage | |
Total net enrolment rate, lower secondary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_lowsec_total_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Total net enrollment rate expressed as percentage | |
Total net enrolment rate, primary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_pri_total_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Total net enrollment rate expressed as percentage | |
Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_upsec_total_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Total net enrollment rate expressed as percentage | |
Total net enrolment rate, primary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_pri_total_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Total net enrollment rate expressed as percentage | |
Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_upsec_total_net_enroll_uis | Metric | Total net enrollment rate expressed as percentage | |
Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of lower secondary general education, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Progression | edu_fem_lowsec_lg_dropout_uis | Metric | Cumulative dropout rate to the last grade of primary education | |
Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of primary education, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Progression | edu_fem_primary_lg_dropout_uis | Metric | Cumulative dropout rate to the last grade of primary education | |
Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of lower secondary general education, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Progression | edu_lowsec_lg_dropout_uis | Metric | Cumulative dropout rate to the last grade of primary education | |
Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of lower secondary general education, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Progression | edu_male_lowsec_lg_dropout_uis | Metric | Cumulative dropout rate to the last grade of primary education | |
Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of primary education, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Progression | edu_male_primary_lg_dropout_uis | Metric | Cumulative dropout rate to the last grade of primary education | |
Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of primary education, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Progression | edu_primary_lg_dropout_uis | Metric | Cumulative dropout rate to the last grade of primary education | |
Literacy rate, population 25-64 years, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_literacy_25-64_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Adult literacy rate, population 15+ years, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_literacy_adult_15+_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Elderly literacy rate, population 65+ years, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_literacy_eldery_65+_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Youth literacy rate, population 15-24 years, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_literacy_youth_15-24_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Adult literacy rate, population 15+ years, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_iteracy_adult_15+_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Literacy rate, population 25-64 years, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_literacy_25-64_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Elderly literacy rate, population 65+ years, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_literacy_eldery_65+_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Youth literacy rate, population 15-24 years, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_literacy_youth_15-24_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Literacy rate, population 25-64 years, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_male_literacy_25-64_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Adult literacy rate, population 15+ years, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_male_literacy_adult_15+_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Elderly literacy rate, population 65+ years, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_male_literacy_eldery_65+_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Youth literacy rate, population 15-24 years, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_male_literacy_youth_15-24_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Illiterate population, 25-64 years, % female UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_illiteracy_25-64_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Adult illiterate population, 15+ years, % female UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_illiteracy_adult_15+_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Elderly illiterate population, 65+ years, % female UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_illiteracy_eldery_65+_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Youth illiterate population, 15-24 years, % female UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_illiteracy_youth_15-24_uis | Metric | Number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage | |
Educational attainment: at least completed short-cycle tertiary (ISCED 5 or higher), population 25+ years, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_isced5_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least master's or equivalent (ISCED 7 or higher), population 25+ years, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_isced7_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: doctoral or equivalent (ISCED 8), population 25+ years, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_isced8_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least bachelor's or equivalent (ISCED 6 or higher), population 25+ years, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_isecd6_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed lower secondary (ISCED 2 or higher), population 25+ years, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_lowsec_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed post-secondary (ISCED 4 or higher), population 25+ years, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_postsec_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed primary (ISCED 1 or higher), population 25+ years, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_pri_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed upper secondary (ISCED 3 or higher), population 25+ years, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_fem_upsec_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed short-cycle tertiary (ISCED 5 or higher), population 25+ years, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_isced5_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least bachelor's or equivalent (ISCED 6 or higher), population 25+ years, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_isced6_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least master's or equivalent (ISCED 7 or higher), population 25+ years, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_isced7_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: doctoral or equivalent (ISCED 8), population 25+ years, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_isced8_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed lower secondary (ISCED 2 or higher), population 25+ years, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_lowsec_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed short-cycle tertiary (ISCED 5 or higher), population 25+ years, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_male_isced5_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least bachelor's or equivalent (ISCED 6 or higher), population 25+ years, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_male_isced6_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least master's or equivalent (ISCED 7 or higher), population 25+ years, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_male_isced7_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: doctoral or equivalent (ISCED 8), population 25+ years, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_male_isced8_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed lower secondary (ISCED 2 or higher), population 25+ years, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_male_lowsec_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed post-secondary (ISCED 4 or higher), population 25+ years, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_male_postsec_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed primary (ISCED 1 or higher), population 25+ years, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_male_pri_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed upper secondary (ISCED 3 or higher), population 25+ years, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_male_upsec_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed post-secondary (ISCED 4 or higher), population 25+ years, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_postsec_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed primary (ISCED 1 or higher), population 25+ years, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_pri_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Educational attainment: at least completed upper secondary (ISCED 3 or higher), population 25+ years, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Performance | Attainment | edu_upsec_attainment_25+_uis | Metric | Attainment rate of population aged 25 and above | |
Mean years of schooling (ISCED 1 or higher), population 25+ years, female UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_fem_mean_years_schooling_25+_uis | Metric | Average number of completed years of education | |
Mean years of schooling (ISCED 1 or higher), population 25+ years, male UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_male_mean_years_schooling_25+_uis | Metric | Average number of completed years of education | |
Mean years of schooling (ISCED 1 or higher), population 25+ years, both sexes UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Attainment | edu_mean_years_schooling_25+_uis | Metric | Average number of completed years of education | |
Pupil-teacher ratio in lower secondary education (headcount basis) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Personnel | stud_teach_ratio_lowsec_count_uis | Metric | Average number of pupils per teacher at a given level of education. | |
Pupil-teacher ratio in pre-primary education (headcount basis) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Personnel | stud_teach_ratio_pre_count_uis | Metric | Average number of pupils per teacher at a given level of education. | |
Pupil-teacher ratio in primary education (headcount basis) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Personnel | stud_teach_ratio_pri_count_uis | Metric | Average number of pupils per teacher at a given level of education. | |
Pupil-teacher ratio in post-secondary non-tertiary education (headcount basis) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Personnel | stud_teach_ratio_psnt_count_uis | Metric | Average number of pupils per teacher at a given level of education. | |
Pupil-teacher ratio in secondary education (headcount basis) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Personnel | stud_teach_ratio_sec_count_uis | Metric | Average number of pupils per teacher at a given level of education. | |
Pupil-teacher ratio in tertiary education (headcount basis) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Personnel | stud_teach_ratio_tert_count_uis | Metric | Average number of pupils per teacher at a given level of education. | |
Pupil-teacher ratio in upper secondary education (headcount basis) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Personnel | stud_teach_ratio_upsec_count_uis | Metric | Average number of pupils per teacher at a given level of education. | |
Gross enrolment ratio, lower secondary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_lowsec_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, pre-primary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_pre_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, primary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_pri_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, post-secondary non-tertiary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_psnt_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, secondary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_sec_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, tertiary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_ter_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, upper secondary, female (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_fem_upsec_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, lower secondary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_lowsec_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, lower secondary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_lowsec_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, pre-primary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_pre_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, primary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_pri_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, post-secondary non-tertiary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_psnt_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, secondary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_sec_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, tertiary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_ter_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, upper secondary, male (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_male_upsec_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, pre-primary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_pre_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, primary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_pri_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, post-secondary non-tertiary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_psnt_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, secondary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_sec_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, tertiary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_ter_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Gross enrolment ratio, upper secondary, both sexes (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Participation | Inclusion | edu_upsec_gross_enroll_ratio_uis | Metric | Gross enrollment ratio | |
Initial household funding per primary student as a percentage of GDP per capita UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Expenditure | Private | edu_exp_pri_ihh_uis | Metric | Initial houselhold funding per student as a percentage of GDP |
Initial household funding per secondary student as a percentage of GDP per capita UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Expenditure | Private | edu_exp_sec_ihh_uis | Metric | Initial houselhold funding per student as a percentage of GDP |
Initial household funding per tertiary student as a percentage of GDP per capita UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Expenditure | Private | edu_exp_ter_ihh_uis | Metric | Initial houselhold funding per student as a percentage of GDP |
Government expenditure on lower secondary education as a percentage of GDP (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Expenditure | edu_pub_exp_lowsec_gdp_UIS | Metric | Public expenditure on education as percentage of GDP | |
Government expenditure on pre-primary education as a percentage of GDP (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Expenditure | edu_pub_exp_pre_gdp_UIS | Metric | Public expenditure on education as percentage of GDP | |
Government expenditure on primary education as a percentage of GDP (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Expenditure | edu_pub_exp_pri_gdp_UIS | Metric | Public expenditure on education as percentage of GDP | |
Government expenditure on post-secondary non-tertiary education as a percentage of GDP (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Expenditure | edu_pub_exp_psnt_gdp_UIS | Metric | Public expenditure on education as percentage of GDP | |
Government expenditure on secondary education as a percentage of GDP (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Expenditure | edu_pub_exp_sec_gdp_UIS | Metric | Public expenditure on education as percentage of GDP | |
Government expenditure on secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education as a percentage of GDP (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Expenditure | edu_pub_exp_spsntv_gdp_UIS | Metric | Public expenditure on education as percentage of GDP | |
Government expenditure on tertiary education as a percentage of GDP (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Expenditure | edu_pub_exp_ter_gdp_UIS | Metric | Public expenditure on education as percentage of GDP | |
Government expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Expenditure | edu_pub_exp_total_gdp_UIS | Metric | Public expenditure on education as percentage of GDP | |
Government expenditure on upper secondary education as a percentage of GDP (%) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | Expenditure | edu_pub_exp_upsec_gdp_UIS | Metric | Public expenditure on education as percentage of GDP | |
Initial household funding of education as a percentage of GDP UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | edu_exp_all_prv_ihh_uis | Metric | Initial houselhold funding as a percentage of GDP | ||
Initial household funding of primary education as a percentage of GDP UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | edu_exp_pri_prv_ihh_uis | Metric | Initial houselhold funding as a percentage of GDP | ||
Initial household funding of secondary education as a percentage of GDP UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | edu_exp_sec_prv_ihh_uis | Metric | Initial houselhold funding as a percentage of GDP | ||
Initial household funding of tertiary education as a percentage of GDP UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | Resources | edu_exp_ter_prv_ihh_uis | Metric | Initial houselhold funding as a percentage of GDP |