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<!-- proposed WesisPedia url (by a04_m2w):
https://seth.informatik.uni-bremen.de/wesis/wiki/index.php/Residential care
|datatype = Numeric
|scale = Multinomial
|valuelabels = • 0 = “No”
• 1 = “Yes”
• -888 = “Absence of long-term care system”
• -999 = “No information available”
|techname = health_ltc_gen_tob_residential
|category= [[Health and long-term care|Health and long-term care]]
|label = Residential care
|relatedindicators =
\n * [[Semi-residential care]]\n<br> * [[Home- and community-based care]]
*[[Consulting (care recipient)]]
* [[Equipment]]
|description = Specify "Yes" if the benefit scheme under scrutiny is presented as residential care. Definition: "In-kind benefit scheme whose main feature is the long-lasting provision of LTC in live-in solutions where care recipients are provided with accommodation and supplied professional nursing, supervision, and personal care. "
|codingrules = NA (no information available)
|citation = NA (no information available)
|relatedpublications = NA (no information available)
|projectmanagers = Davide Viero and Johanna Fischer (on behalf of the A07 project)
|datarelease = NA (no information available)
|revisions = NA (no information available)
|sources = NA (no information available)

Revision as of 15:06, 29 November 2024