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|Coverage rate for children aged 3 - 5 years (Share of children aged  3 - 5 years)
|Coverage rate for children aged 3 - 5 years (Share of children aged  3 - 5 years)
|[[Coverage rate childcare  children < 3 years]]
|Child care & early education
|Coverage rate for children under 3 years old (Share of children aged 0 - 2 years)

Revision as of 14:36, 5 November 2019

Indicator name* Subcategory I Subcategory II Subcategory III Technical name* Scale* Short description
Monthly family allowances first child (national currency) Family allowance child or family benefits Amount fam_childben_amount_first Metric Monthly family allowances for the first child of a family with three children, in national currency
Monthly family allowances second child (national currency) Family allowance child or family benefits Amount fam_childben_amount_second Metric Monthly family allowances for the second child of a family with three children, in national currency
Monthly family allowances third child (national currency) Family allowance child or family benefits Amount fam_childben_amount_third Metric Monthly family allowances for the third child of a family with three children, in national currency
Parental leave replacement rate (Comparative Family Database) Leave Parental leave Amount fam_par_leave_amount_repl_CF Metric Cash benefits paid during parental leave (as a percent of female wage in manufacturing)
Parental leave replacement rate (ILO2) Leave Parental leave Amount fam_par_leave_amount_repl_ILO2 Metric Amount of parental leave cash benefits (% of previous earnings)
Duration of parental leave (paid or unpaid) (weeks) (Comparative Family Database) Leave Parental leave Duration fam_par_leave_dur_CF Metric Total number of weeks of parental leave
Duration of paid maternity leave (weeks) (Comparative Family Database) Leave Maternity leave Duration fam_mat_leave_dur_paid_CF Metric Total number of weeks of maternity leave
Duration of paid maternity leave (weeks) (ILO) Leave Maternity leave Duration fam_mat_leave_dur_paid_ILO Metric Total number of weeks of maternity leave
Duration of paid maternity leave (weeks) (TEST) Leave Maternity leave Duration fam_mat_leave_dur_paid_ILO Metric Total number of weeks of maternity leave
Age begin of compulsary education Child care & early education Availability fam_care_avail_comp_age Metric Age at which compulsory education begins
Age group of compulsary education Child care & early education Availability fam_care_avail_comp_agegr Metric Compulsory education (age group)
Existence of publicly subsidized childcare (UN) Child care & early education Availability fam_care_avail_UN Metric
Existence of some kind of public childcare (own coding) Child care & early education Availability fam_care_avail_own Metric
[[Existence of some kind of public program for children < 3 years (own coding)]] Child care & early education Availability fam_care_avail_0to2_own Metric
Existence of some kind of public program for children 3-5 years (own coding) Child care & early education Availability fam_care_avail_0to2_own Metric
Government support for child care services (Worldbank) Child care & early education Availability fam_care_avail_WBL Metric still missing (add, does the goverment support or provide child care services)
[[Individual Entitlement to childcare childen < 3 years]] Child care & early education Availability fam_care_avail_entitl_0to2 Metric Individual entitlement to childcare for children under 3 years old (Yes/No)
Individual Entitlement to childcare childen 3-5 years Child care & early education Availability fam_care_avail_entitl_3to5 Metric Individual entitlement to childcare services for children aged 3 to 5 years old (Yes/No)
Year of introduction of compulsary pre-primary education Child care & early education Availability fam_care_avail_comp_intro Metric Year law [on compulsory pre-primary education] was enacted
Years of compulsary pre-primary education Child care & early education Availability fam_care_avail_comp_years Metric Number of years of compulsory pre-primary education
Average hours formal care 0-2 years old Child care & early education Coverage fam_care_cov_hours_0to2 Metric
Coverage rate childcare children 3-5 years Child care & early education Coverage fam_care_cov_3to5 Metric Coverage rate for children aged 3 - 5 years (Share of children aged 3 - 5 years)
[[Coverage rate childcare children < 3 years]] Child care & early education Coverage fam_care_cov_0to2 Metric Coverage rate for children under 3 years old (Share of children aged 0 - 2 years)