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<!-- proposed WesisPedia url (by a04_m2w):
|datatype = Numeric
|scale = Metric
|valuelabels = NA (no information available)
|techname = edu_dur_lowsec_UIS
|category= [[Education_and_training|Education and training]]
|label = Theoretical duration of lower secondary education (years)
|relatedindicators = edu_dur_pri_UIS, edu_dur_upsec_UIS edu_dur_pre_UIS edu_dur_psnt_UIS  edu_dur_sec_UIS edu_dur_comp_UIS
|description = This indicator refers to the duration of school attendance in years.
|codingrules = NA (no information available)
|citation = UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), http://data.uis.unesco.org/, Last accessed: 2020.03.20
|relatedpublications = NA (no information available)
|projectmanagers = Windzio, Michael; Besche, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen
|datarelease = NA (no information available)
|revisions = NA (no information available)
|sources = NA (no information available)

Latest revision as of 14:27, 12 March 2021