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|[[ Religious non-formal education]]||tbd||metric || Enrollment rate in religious non-formal education ||relig_nfe
|[[ Religious non-formal education]]||tbd||metric || Enrollment rate in religious non-formal education ||relig_nfe
|[[ Civic non-formal education]]||tbd||metric || Enrollment rate in non-formal education with the premise of universal civic education ||civic_nfe
|[[ Civic non-formal education]]||tbd||metric || Enrollment rate in non-formal education with the premise of universal civic education ||civic_nfe
|[[ Civic non-formal education]]||tbd||metric || Enrollment rate in non-formal education with the premise of universal civic education ||civic_nfe

Revision as of 16:43, 15 January 2019

Indicator Name Subcategory I Scale Short Description Technical name
Education introduced in social legislation basic legal regulations date Year of introduction of education in (social) legislation edu_soc_leg
Introduction of compulsory pre-school education basic legal regulations date Year of introduction or abolition of compulsory pre-school education comp_pre_edu
Introduction of compulsory schooling basic legal regulations date Year of introduction or abolition of compulsory schooling comp_pre_edu
Pupil/Student to teacher ratio tbd metric Ratio of pupils to teachers by year pup_teach_ratio
Introducation ministry of education institutions date Year of creation or dissolution of ministry of education ministry_edu
Duration of minimum education in years basic legal regulations metric Duration of minimum education in years (i.e. Compulsory Schooling) dur_min_edu
Duration of pre-school education basic legal regulations metric Duration of pre-school education offered by the state in years dur_pre_edu
Duration of primary education basic legal regulations metric Duration of primary education offered by the state in years dur_pri_edu
Duration of lower secondary education basic legal regulations metric Duration of lower secondary education offered by the state in years dur_low_sec_edu
Duration of upper secondary education basic legal regulations metric Duration of upper secondary education offered by the state in years dur_up_sec_edu
Duration of VET basic legal regulations metric Duration of vocational education and training offered by the state in years dur_vet
Duration of higher education basic legal regulations metric Duration of higher education offered by the state in years dur_he
Age of first selection tbd metric Age of first selection to different schools first_select
Introduction official medium of instruction basic legal regulation date Year of the introduction of an official medium of instruction. intr_off_med_instr
Official medium of instruction basic legal regulation string Official medium/media of instruction by introduction or abolition off_med_instr
Public-Private mix tbd date Year of introduction of state funded private schools pub_prv_mix
Share of persons with special educational needs who normally are enrolled in school inclusion rate metric Share of persons with special educational needs who normally are enrolled in school sen_school_enrollment
Share of students in public schools with co-education inclusion rate metric Share of students in public schools with co-education (i.e. boys and girls together) school_enrollment_pub_co_edu
Private Tutoring tbd metric Enrollment rate in private tutoring as percentage of persons in school age prv_tut
Introducation of compulsory education for women tbd date Year of introduction of compulsory education for women comp_edu_fem
Share of women who are enrolled in school inclusion rate metric Share of women who are enrolled in school fem_school_enrollment
Completion rates tbd metric Completion rates of compulsory education as percentage of cohort who are enrolled in school compl_rate
Transfer rates primary to secondary tbd metric Transfer rates of primary to secondary education, as a percentage of students that are enrolled in primary education transf_pri_sec
Stratification of education system differentiation date Year of introduction of multiple school tracks strat_edu_sys
Between school tracking differentiation binary Are there different certificates after the first tracking? track
Liberalization of education system differentiation metric Index of school autonomy lib_edu_sys
Standardization of education system differentiation date Year of introduction of national examina either for leaving or entering school stand_edu_sys
Standardized VET differentiation date Year of introduction of standardized vocational education and training stand_vet
Marxism-leninism tbd binary Is Marxist-Leninist ethics education compulsory marx_lenin_edu
religious education/socialization/indoctrination tbd binary Is religious education compulsory relig_edu
Universalistic ethics education tbd binary Is universalistic ethics education compulsory relig_edu
Home Schooling tbd date Year of introduction of home schooling home_school
Teacher training tbd date Year of introduction of centralized teacher training teach_train
Non-formal education introduced in legislation tbd date Year of introduction of non-formal education in legislation nfe_leg
Non-formal enrollment rate primary school age tbd metric Enrollment rate in non-formal education of children in primary school age enrollment_nfe_pri
Non-formal enrollment rate secondary school age tbd metric Enrollment rate in non-formal education of children in secondary school age enrollment_nfe_sec
Public expenditure on non-formal education / GDP public expenditure metric Public expenditure on non-formal education as percentage of GDP pub_exp_nfe
Private expenditure on non-formal education / GDP private expenditure metric Private expenditure on non-formal education as percentage of GDP prv_exp_nfe
Marxist-leninist non-formal education tbd metric Enrollment rate in marxist-leninist non-formal education marx_lenin_nfe
Religious non-formal education tbd metric Enrollment rate in religious non-formal education relig_nfe
Civic non-formal education tbd metric Enrollment rate in non-formal education with the premise of universal civic education civic_nfe
Public expenditure on pre-school education / GDP public expenditure metric Public expenditure on pre-school education as percentage of GDP pub_exp_pre
Public expenditure on primary education / GDP public expenditure metric Public expenditure on primary education as percentage of GDP pub_exp_pri
Public expenditure on secondary education / GDP public expenditure metric Public expenditure on secondary education as percentage of GDP pub_exp_sec
Public expenditure on tertiary education / GDP public expenditure metric Public expenditure on tertiary education as percentage of GDP pub_exp_ter
Public expenditure on occupational training / GDP public expenditure metric Public expenditure on occupational training as percentage of GDP pub_exp_occ
Private expenditure on pre-school education / GDP private expenditure metric Private expenditure on pre-school education as percentage of GDP prv_exp_pre
Private expenditure on primary education / GDP private expenditure metric Private expenditure on primary education as percentage of GDP prv_exp_pri
Private expenditure on secondary education / GDP private expenditure metric Private expenditure on secondary education as percentage of GDP prv_exp_sec
Private expenditure on tertiary education / GDP private expenditure metric Private expenditure on tertiary education as percentage of GDP prv_exp_ter
Private expenditure on occupational training / GDP private expenditure metric Private expenditure on occupational training as percentage of GDP pub_exp_occ
Share of birth cohort that attended school inclusion rate metric Share of persons that attended school as percentage of birth cohort (i.e. Enrollment rates) school_enroll