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(Replaced content with "{|class="wikitable sortable" border="1" ! Indicator name* ! Subcategory I ! Subcategory II ! Subcategory III ! Technical name* ! Scale* ! Short description |-")
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! Short description
! Short description
| [[Year of introduction of health care program (law passed)]]
| Health care
| Health care regulation
| health_hcintro1
| Date
| First public program regulating the coverage of health services adopted by decision makers
| [[Year of introduction of health care program (de iure effective)]]
| Health care
| Health care regulation
| health_hcintro2
| Date
| First public program regulating the coverage of health services taking effect de iure
| [[Year of major health care reform]]
| Health care
| Health care regulation
| health_hcreform
| Date
| Introduction of health care reforms changing the character of the health care system
| [[Year of introduction of long term care program]]
| Long term care
| LTC regulation
| health_ltcintro
| Date
| First public program regulating the coverage of LTC services or providing financial support for people in need of LTC
| [[Year of major long term care reform]]
| Long term care
| LTC regulation
| health_ltcreform
| Date
| Introduction of long term care reforms changing the character of the long term care system
| [[Total current expenditure on health (national currency units, current prices)]]
| Health care
| Health care financing
| Aggregated
| health_hctotal_exp_ncu
| Metric
| Total current expenditure on health in national currency units and current prices, including national and external sources
| [[Public health expenditure (national currency units, current prices)]]
| Health care
| Health care financing
| Domestic
| health_hcpublic_exp_ncu
| Metric
| Public current expenditure on health in national currency units and current prices, from domestic sources
| [[Tax spending on health (national currency units, current prices)]]
| Health care
| Health care financing
| Domestic
| health_hctax_exp_ncu
| Metric
| Current health expenditure financed by taxes in national currency units and current prices
| [[Social insurance spending on health (national currency units, current prices)]]
| Health care
| Health care financing
| Domestic
| health_hcsicontr_exp_ncu
| Metric
| Current health expenditure financed by social insurance contributions in national currency units and current prices
| [[Private insurance spending on health (national currency units, current prices)]]
| Health care
| Health care financing
| Domestic
| health_hcprivins_exp_ncu
| Metric
| Current health expenditure financed by private insurance premiums in national currency units and current prices
| [[Non-profit institutions financing scheme spending (national currency units, current prices)]]
| Health care
| Health care financing
| Domestic
| health_hcnpifs_exp_ncu
| Metric
| Current health expenditure financed by non-profit institutions in national currency units and current prices
| [[Enterprise financing schemes spending on health (national currency units, current prices)]]
| Health care
| Health care financing
| Domestic
| health_hcenterpr_exp_ncu
| Metric
| Current health expenditure financed by enterprise financing schemes in national currency units and current prices
| [[Private household out-of-pocket spending on health (national currency units, current prices)]]
| Health care
| Health care financing
| Domestic
| health_hcoop_exp_ncu
| Metric
| Current health expenditure financed by private households out of pocket in national currency units and current prices
| [[Total external spending on health care (in US-Dollars, current prices)]]
| Health care
| Health care financing
| External
| health_hcexternal_exp_usd
| Metric
| Total external spending on health care
| [[Number of hospital beds]]
| Health Care
| Health Service Provision
| Hospitals
| health_hchosp_beds
| Metric
| Acute care beds in hospitals (https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=HEALTH_REAC)
| [[Density of hospital beds (per 10000 of population)]]
| Health Care
| Health Service Provision
| Hospitals
| health_hchosp_beddens_who
| Metric
| Hospital density provided by WHO Global Health Observatory Data (http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.wrapper.imr?x-id=97)
| [[Classification of hospital sector provision]]
| Health Care
| Health Service Provision
| Hospitals
| health_hchosp_dominance
| Multinominal
| Classification of hospital providers by dominant actor (public, societal/private non-profit, private for-profit)
| [[Number of beds in public hospitals]]
| Health Care
| Health Service Provision
| Hospitals
| health_hchosp_pubbed_oecd
| Metric
| Number of beds in publicly owned hospitals (OECD, https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=HEALTH_REAC)
| [[Share of public hospital beds]]
| Health Care
| Health Service Provision
| Hospitals
| health_hchosp_pubbedshare_oecd
| Metric
| Beds in publicly owned hospitals as a percentage of total hospital beds (OECD, https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=HEALTH_REAC)
| [[Number of beds in private non-profit hospitals]]
| Health Care
| Health Service Provision
| Hospitals
| health_hchosp_nprofbed_oecd
| Metric
| Number of beds in not for-profit privately owned hospitals (OECD, https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=HEALTH_REAC)
| [[Share of of beds in private non-profit hospitals]]
| Health Care
| Health Service Provision
| Hospitals
| health_hchosp_nprofbedshare_oecd
| Metric
| Beds in non-profit privately owned hospitals as a percentage of total hospital beds (OECD, https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=HEALTH_REAC)
| [[Number of beds in private for-profit hospitals]]
| Health Care
| Health Service Provision
| Hospitals
| health_hchosp_privbed_oecd
| Metric
| Number of beds in for-profit privately owned hospitals (OECD, https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=HEALTH_REAC)
| [[Density of Physicians (per 1,000 inhabitants)]]
| Health Care
| HC
| Provision
| health_HC_provision_Phy_Per1000_WB
| Metric
| Physicians (per 1,000 people)(WB, https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.MED.PHYS.ZS)
|[[Domestic general government health expenditure as percentage of GDP (WHO)]]
| Healthcare
| Healthcare
| Financing
| health_HC_financing_DomGovHExp_PerGDP_WHO
| Metric
| Share of general government expenditures on health from domestic sources of GDP (WHO, https://apps.who.int/gho/data/view.main.GHEDGGHEDGDPSHA2011v)
|[[Current health expenditure per capita in US$ (WHO)]]
| Healthcare
| Healthcare
| Financing
| health_HC_financing_CHEperCap_USD_WHO
| Metric
| Per capita current expenditures on health expressed in respective currency - US dollar (WHO, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.wrapper.imr?x-id=4951)
| [[Share of of beds private for-profit hospitals]]
| Health Care
| Health Service Provision
| Hospitals
| health_hchosp_privbedshare_oecd
| Metric
| Share of beds in for-profit privately owned hospitals as a üercentage of total hospital beds (OECD, https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=HEALTH_REAC)

Revision as of 14:05, 27 February 2020

Indicator name* Subcategory I Subcategory II Subcategory III Technical name* Scale* Short description