Spanish as predominant language
(Redirected from Cult lang spanish)
The predominant language spoken is Spanish
Coding rules
This variable is a binary variable showing whether the predominant language spoken in a country is the hegemonic language of English.
For further information see the Technical Paper: Besche-Truthe, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen; Windzio, Michael. 2020 “Cultural Spheres – Creating a dyadic dataset of cultural proximity”. SFB 1342 Technical Paper Series, 5. Bremen, SFB 1342.
Bibliographic info
Citation: NA (no information available)
Related publications: NA (no information available)
Project manager(s): Fabian Besche-Truthe, Michael Windzio, Helen Seitzer
- Version 0.001: Initial release
Revisions: No revisions yet