Civil Liberties Quantile 4
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Binary |
Value labels | 1 = Yes, 0 = No |
Technical name | cult_civil_vdem_bin4 |
Category | Culture |
Label | Civil Liberties Quantile 4 |
Related indicators |
Country is member of the fourth quantile of the Civil Liberties index. Similar to Gender Relations, in the case of Civil Rights, we argue that civil liberties, as understood and measured by the V-Dem project, is a representation of more than policies and a concept of democracy. Civil liberty in this case “is understood as liberal freedom, where freedom is a property of individuals” (Coppedge et al. 2019a, 263). It means that from this indicator we can deduct the outcome of power struggles concerning the individualism of a society, which is most prevalent in Western societies. How much worth is put on the rights of the individual?
Coding rules
We combine this indicator with the Core civil society index (Bernhard et al. 2015) which was as well retrieved from V-Dem and provides “a measure of a robust civil society, understood as one that enjoys autonomy from the state and in which citizens freely and actively pursue their political and civic goals, however conceived” (Coppedge et al. 2019a, 275). We define the ways in which society organizes, as culturally rooted, as well as the freedom of how this organization takes place, as a manifestation of power struggles in which – most of the time – the cultural/social majority wins. On the other hand, the freedom of civil society itself affects the ways culture can be and is transmitted. It can be seen as an indicator of forcing cultural homogeneity, which over a long time-frame must have some effect on this very culture. The index itself is a composite of different indicators (see Bernhard et al. 2015). Both indicators cover a timeframe of 1789-2018 and take values from 0-1. We combined these indices by summing them. Having one single value per year and country we estimated quartiles for each year for the whole set of countries. We then assigned the membership to a quartile based on the value the country has in the respective year. As we are estimating the quartiles separately for every year, and assigning the membership in a quartile separately, we have – in theory – a dynamic measure that is adapting to the overall evolution of Civil Rights globally.
For further information see the Technical Paper: Besche-Truthe, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen; Windzio, Michael. 2020 “Cultural Spheres – Creating a dyadic dataset of cultural proximity”. SFB 1342 Technical Paper Series, 5. Bremen, SFB 1342.
Bibliographic info
Related publications: NA (no information available)
Project manager(s): Fabian Besche-Truthe, Michael Windzio, Helen Seitzer
- Version 0.001: Initial release
Revisions: No revisions yet
- Bernhard, Michael, Eitan Tzelgov, Dong-Joon Jung, Michael Coppedge, and Staffan I. Lindberg. 2015. “The Varieties of Democracy Core Civil Society Index.” SSRN Electronic Journal. Accessed 16.11.2020.
- Coppedge, Michael, John Gerring, Carl H. Knutsen, Staffan I. Lindberg, Jan Teorell, David Altman, Michael Bernhard, M. S. Fish, Adam Glynn, Allen Hicken, Anna Lührmann, Kyle L. Marquardt, Kelly M. McMann, Pamela Paxton, Daniel Pemstein, Brigitte Seim, Rachel Sigman, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jeffrey K. Staton, Steven L. Wilson, Agnes Cornell, Lisa Gastaldi, Haakon Gjerløw, Nin Ilchenko, Joshua Krusell, Laura Maxwell, Valeriya Mechkova, Juraj Medzihorsky, Josefine Pernes, Johannes von Römer, Natalia Stepanova, Aksel Sundström, Eitan Tzelgov, Yi-ting Wang, Tore Wig, and Daniel Ziblatt. 2019. “V-Dem Dataset V9.” SSRN Electronic Journal.